Rebeca Burdeinick-Kerr, Ph.D.

2006 Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
Microbiology Biology
"Rebeca Burdeinick-Kerr"


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Diane E. Griffin grad student 2006 Johns Hopkins
 (Unraveling the mechanisms of noncytolytic clearance of alphavirus infection from neurons of the central nervous system.)
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Lee AS, Burdeinick-Kerr R, Whelan SP. (2014) A genome-wide small interfering RNA screen identifies host factors required for vesicular stomatitis virus infection. Journal of Virology. 88: 8355-60
Lee AS, Burdeinick-Kerr R, Whelan SP. (2013) A ribosome-specialized translation initiation pathway is required for cap-dependent translation of vesicular stomatitis virus mRNAs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 324-9
Cureton DK, Burdeinick-Kerr R, Whelan SPJ. (2012) Genetic inactivation of COPI coatomer separately inhibits vesicular stomatitis virus entry and gene expression Journal of Virology. 86: 655-666
Burdeinick-Kerr R, Govindarajan D, Griffin DE. (2009) Noncytolytic clearance of sindbis virus infection from neurons by gamma interferon is dependent on Jak/STAT signaling. Journal of Virology. 83: 3429-35
Burdeinick-Kerr R, Wind J, Griffin DE. (2007) Synergistic roles of antibody and interferon in noncytolytic clearance of Sindbis virus from different regions of the central nervous system. Journal of Virology. 81: 5628-36
Burdeinick-Kerr R, Griffin DE. (2005) Gamma interferon-dependent, noncytolytic clearance of sindbis virus infection from neurons in vitro. Journal of Virology. 79: 5374-85
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