Andrea Mehner, Ph.D.

2011 Astrophysics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
Astrophysics Physics
"Andrea Mehner"
Mean distance: 6776


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Kris Davidson grad student 2011 UMN
 (Exploring and Modeling High-excitation Emission in the Ejecta and the Wind of Eta Carinae.)
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Tartaglia L, Pastorello A, Sullivan M, et al. (2016) Interacting supernovae and supernova impostors. LSQ13zm: An outburst heralds the death of a massive star Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 459: 1039-1059
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Davidson K, Mehner A, Humphreys RM, et al. (2015) ETA carinae's 2014.6 spectroscopic event: The extraordinary he II and N II features Astrophysical Journal Letters. 801
Lobel A, Martayan C, Baade D, et al. (2015) Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Massive Binaries MWC 314 and HD 168625 Eas Publications Series. 71: 169-171
Mehner A, De Wit WJ, Baade D, et al. (2015) Luminous Blue Variables, Cool Hypergiants, and Supernova Impostors: The Role of Episodic Mass Loss Eas Publications Series. 71: 49-51
Britavskiy NE, Bonanos AZ, Mehner A, et al. (2015) Identification of dusty massive stars in star-forming dwarf irregular galaxies in the Local Group with mid-IR photometry Astronomy and Astrophysics. 584
Mehner A, Davidson K, Humphreys RM, et al. (2015) Eta Carinae's 2014.6 spectroscopic event: Clues to the long-term recovery from its Great Eruption Astronomy and Astrophysics. 578
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