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Leonard Susskind grad student 1977-1979 Stanford
 (Phase Transitions in Lattice Gauge Theories.)


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Matthew Fisher grad student 1986 UIUC
Franco Nori grad student 1982-1987 U of Michigan, RIKEN
Cecilia von Reichenbach grad student 1988 Universidad Nacional de La Plata
David Withoff grad student 1988 Wolfram Research, Inc.
Avinash Singh grad student 1984-1988 Indian Institute for technology Kanpur
Leticia F. Cugliandolo grad student 1988-1988 Universite Sorbonne (former Paris VI, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie)
Joel Cannon grad student 1989 Washington & Jefferson College
Antonio H. Castro Neto grad student 1994 National University of Singapore
Ana López grad student 1994 Oxford University, Department of Physics
Christopher Mudry grad student 1987-1994 Paul Scherrer Institute
Manuel Fuentes grad student 1995 UIUC
Carlos Cassanello grad student 1996 UIUC (Neurotree)
Nancy Sandler grad student 1998 Ohio University (Astronomy Tree)
Michael Mulligan grad student 2000-2004 UC Riverside
Eun-Ah Kim grad student 2001-2006 Cornell
Michael J. Lawler grad student 2001-2006 Binghamton University of Illinois
Stefanos Papanikolaou grad student 2002-2008 NOMATEN
Kai Sun grad student 2004-2009 University of Michigan (Chemistry Tree)
Benjamin Munoz Fregoso grad student 2010 Kent State (Chemistry Tree)
Benjamin Hsu grad student 2011 Amazon
Akbar Jaefari grad student 2012 University of Western New England
Weicheng Lv grad student 2012 UIUC
Philip D. Powell grad student 2013 UIUC
Rodrigo Andres Soto-Garrido grad student 2010-2015 Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile
Wathid Assawasunthonnet grad student 2016 UIUC
Xiao Chen grad student 2010-2016 Boston College
Krishna Kumar grad student 2014-2016 UIUC
Yizhi You grad student 2017 Northeastern University
Hart Goldman grad student 2017-2020 University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Ramanjit Sohal grad student 2017-2021 Princeton
Wu-pei Su post-doc 1983-1985 University of Houston (Computer Science Tree)
Qian Niu post-doc 1984-1986 UT Austin
Elbio Dagotto post-doc 1985-1988 University of Tennessee - Knoxville/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Adriana Moreo post-doc 1985-1988 University of Tennessee-Knoxville/Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Scot Renn post-doc 1987-1989 UIUC
Shoudan Liang post-doc 1988-1990 University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Enrique Moreno post-doc 1988-1990 Northeastern University
Lev Ioffe post-doc 1989-1990 UW Madison
Vadim Kalmeyer post-doc 1989-1991 UIUC
Silvia Bacci post-doc 1989-1992 Instituto Balseiro
Eduardo Gagliano post-doc 1989-1992 Instituto Balseiro
Andrey Chubukov post-doc 1991-1993 UMN
Shivaji Lal Sondhi post-doc 1992-1995 Oxford
Claudio Chamon post-doc 1995-1997 Boston University
Daniel Barci post-doc 1999-2001 Universidad Estadual de Rio de Janeiro
Wengsheng Vincent Liu post-doc 1999-2001 Pittsburgh University
Jose M. Roman-Faundez post-doc 1998-2002 UIUC
Victoria Fernandez post-doc 2004-2005 Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Eddy Ardonne post-doc 2005-2007 Stockholm University
Kumar S. Raman post-doc 2005-2007 LLNL
Eytan Grosfeld post-doc 2008-2011 Ben Gurion University
Bruno Uchoa post-doc 2008-2011 University of Oklahoma
Taylor  L. Hughes post-doc 2009-2011 UIUC
Pouyan Ghaemi post-doc 2011-2014 CCNY
Gil Y. Cho post-doc 2013-2015 KAIST
Victor Chua post-doc 2013-2016 UIUC
David Luitz post-doc 2015-2017 Universität Bonn
Luiz Henrique Santos post-doc 2015-2018 Emory
Yuxuan Wang post-doc 2015-2018 UF Gainesville
Peng Ye post-doc 2015-2018 Sun Yat-sen University
Eugeniu Plamadeala post-doc 2016-2018 Amazon
Aris Alexandradinata post-doc 2019-2022 UC Santa Cruz
Edwin Huang post-doc 2019-2023 Notre Dame
Laimei Nie post-doc 2020-2023 Purdue
BETA: Related publications


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Pu S, Balram AC, Taylor J, et al. (2024) Microscopic Model for Fractional Quantum Hall Nematics. Physical Review Letters. 132: 236503
Aishwarya A, May-Mann J, Raghavan A, et al. (2023) Magnetic-field-sensitive charge density waves in the superconductor UTe. Nature. 618: 928-933
Lee S, Huang EW, Johnson TA, et al. (2022) Generic character of charge and spin density waves in superconducting cuprates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2119429119
Agterberg DF, Davis JS, Edkins SD, et al. (2020) The Physics of Pair-Density Waves: Cuprate Superconductors and Beyond Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics. 11: 231-270
Goldman H, Sohal R, Fradkin E. (2020) Non-Abelian fermionization and the landscape of quantum Hall phases Physical Review B. 102
Sohal R, Fradkin E. (2020) Intertwined order in fractional Chern insulators from finite-momentum pairing of composite fermions Physical Review B. 101
May-Mann J, Levy R, Soto-Garrido R, et al. (2020) Topology and the one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model Physical Review B. 101
Nori F, Niu Q, Fradkin E, et al. (2019) Superconducting-normal phase boundary of quasicrystalline arrays in a magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 36: 8338-8342
Goldbart P, Martin O, Fradkin E. (2019) Gauge-invariant spin glasses. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. 34: 301-305
Santos LH, Wang Y, Fradkin E. (2019) Pair-Density-Wave Order and Paired Fractional Quantum Hall Fluids Physical Review X. 9
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