
Sign in to add mentor
William Liller grad student 1959 University of Michigan
 (Photoelectric spectrophotometry of A stars.)


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George William Collins grad student 1962 UW Madison (Astronomy Tree)
Philip M. Solomon grad student 1965 UW Madison
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Bless RC, Richards EE, Bosh A, et al. (1999) The Hubble Space Telescope's high-speed photometer Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 111: 364-375
Hill RJ, Dolan JF, Bless RC, et al. (1997) The Spectrum of the Large Magellanic Cloud Pulsar B0540−69 The Astrophysical Journal. 486: L99-L102
Boyd PT, Van Citters GW, Dolan JF, et al. (1995) High-Speed Photometer observations of the LMC pulsar B0540-69 Astrophysical Journal. 448: 365-368
Percival JW, Boyd PT, Biggs JD, et al. (1995) A search for a pulsar in the remnant of SN 1987A with the Hubble Space Telescope high speed photometer Astrophysical Journal. 446: 832-837
Robinson EL, Wood JH, Bless RC, et al. (1995) Hubble Space Telescope observations of the dwarf nova Z chamaeleontis through two eruption cycles Astrophysical Journal. 443: 295-318
Dolan JF, Michalitsianos AG, Thompson RW, et al. (1995) The gravitational lens system Q0957 + 561 in the ultraviolet Astrophysical Journal. 442: 87-90
Robinson EL, Mailloux TM, Zhang E, et al. (1995) The pulsation index, effective temperature, and thickness of the hydrogen layer in the pulsating DA white dwarf G117-B15A Astrophysical Journal. 438: 908-916
Taylor M, Bless RC, Ögelman H, et al. (1994) Ultraviolet photometry of Nova Cygni 1992 obtained with the high speed photometer Astrophysical Journal. 424: L45-L48
Dolan JF, Boyd PT, Wolinski KG, et al. (1994) The linear polarization of 3C 345 in the ultraviolet Astrophysical Journal. 432: 560-566
Taylor M, Nelson MJ, Bless RC, et al. (1993) High-speed ultraviolet photometry of HD 60435 Astrophysical Journal. 413: L125-L128
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