Walter M. Elsasser

1961 Physics University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 
 1975-1991 Geophysics Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
physics, geophysics, biophysics
"Walter M. Elsasser"

(1904 - 1991)
DOI: 10.1007/BF01329212
Herrn Prof. M. Born danke ich herzlich für die Anregung zu dieser Arbeit und seine dauernde fördernde Anteilnahme während ihres Verlaufs, ferner bin ich Herrn J. R. Oppenheimer für mancherlei wertvolle Ratschläge zu bestem Dank verpflichtet.
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Max Born grad student 1927 Universität Göttingen
 (Zur Theorie der Stoßprozesse bei Wasserstoff.)
Paul Ehrenfest post-doc 1927 Leiden
Wolfgang Ernst Pauli post-doc 1928 ETH Zürich
Fritz Houtermans post-doc 1930 Technische Hochschule Berlin
Erwin Madelung research scientist 1930-1933 Goethe-Universität Frankfurt


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Silvan Samuel Schweber research assistant 1949 Penn (History of History Tree)
Michael G. Rochester grad student 1959 University of Utah (Geotree)
Peter Olson research scientist Johns Hopkins (Oceanography Tree)
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Elsasser WM. (1984) Outline of a theory of cellular heterogeneity Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 81: 5126-5129
Elsasser WM. (1983) Biological application of the statistical concepts used in the second law Journal of Theoretical Biology. 105: 103-116
Elsasser WM. (1981) Principles of a new biological theory: A summary Journal of Theoretical Biology. 89: 131-150
Born M, Elsasser WM, Anderson DL. (1981) MyLife: RecollectionsofaNobelLaureate and MemoirsofaPhysicistintheAtomicAge American Journal of Physics. 49: 94-95
Elsasser WM, Olson P, Marsh BD. (1979) Correction [ to “The depth of mantle convection”] Journal of Geophysical Research. 84: 613-613
Elsasser WM, Olson P, Marsh BD. (1979) The depth of mantle convection Journal of Geophysical Research. 84: 147-155
Elsasser WM. (1979) A biological theory of finite classes Journal of Social and Biological Systems. 2: 9-26
Elsasser WM. (1973) A natural philosophy of quantum mechanics based on induction Foundations of Physics. 3: 117-137
Elsasser WM. (1972) Viscous stratification of the earth and convection Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 6: 198-204
Elsasser WM. (1969) The mathematical expression of generalized complementarity Journal of Theoretical Biology. 25: 276-296
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