Elizabeth A. Gerken, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2003 | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Atmospheric Science PhysicsGoogle:
"Elizabeth Gerken"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Cross-listing: Meteorology Tree
Sign in to add mentorUmran S. Inan | grad student | 2003 | Stanford | |
(Telescopic imaging of streamer and diffuse glow dynamics in sprites.) |
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Cummer SA, Jaugey N, Li J, et al. (2006) Submillisecond imaging of sprite development and structure Geophysical Research Letters. 33 |
Djuth FT, Pedersen TR, Gerken EA, et al. (2005) Ionospheric modification at twice the electron cyclotron frequency. Physical Review Letters. 94: 125001 |
Pedersen TR, Gerken EA. (2005) Creation of visible artificial optical emissions in the aurora by high-power radio waves. Nature. 433: 498-500 |
Kosch MJ, Pedersen T, Hughes J, et al. (2005) Artificial optical emissions at HAARP for pump frequencies near the third and second electron gyro-harmonic Annales Geophysicae. 23: 1585-1592 |
Bernhardt PA, Selcher CA, Siefring CL, et al. (2005) Imaging of ionospheric density structures and plasma drifts using artificial illumination by high-power radio waves Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 33: 504-505 |
Gerken E, Inan U. (2005) Streamers and diffuse glow observed in upper atmospheric electrical discharges Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 33: 282-283 |
Vlasov MN, Kelley MC, Gerken EA. (2005) On the energy distribution of suprathermal electrons produced by HF heating in the F2 region Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. 67: 405-412 |
Vlasov MN, Kelley MC, Gerken E. (2004) Impact of vibrational excitation on ionospheric parameters and artificial airglow during HF heating in the F region Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 109 |
Gerken EA, Inan US. (2004) Comparison of photometric measurements and charge moment estimations in two sprite-producing storms Geophysical Research Letters. 31 |
Pedersen TR, McCarrick M, Gerken E, et al. (2003) Magnetic zenith enhancement of HF radio-induced airglow production at HAARP Geophysical Research Letters. 30: 18-1 |