Andrew M. Frassetto, Ph.D.

2009 Geosciences University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Geophysics, Geology, Plate Tectonics
"Andrew Frassetto"
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George Zandt grad student 2009 University of Arizona
 (Teleseismic studies of the North American Cordillera: Evaluating the changing structure, composition, and fabric after subduction.)
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Ryan J, Frassetto AM, Hurd O, et al. (2019) Unusually deep earthquakes in the central Sierra Nevada (California, USA): Foundering ultramafic lithosphere? Geosphere. 16: 357-377
Almeida YB, Julià J, Frassetto A. (2015) Crustal architecture of the Borborema Province, NE Brazil, from receiver function CCP stacks: Implications for Mesozoic stretching and Cenozoic uplift Tectonophysics. 649: 68-80
Levandowski W, Jones CH, Reeg H, et al. (2013) Seismological estimates of means of isostatic support of the Sierra Nevada Geosphere. 9: 1552-1561
Maupin V, Agostini A, Artemieva I, et al. (2013) The deep structure of the Scandes and its relation to tectonic history and present-day topography Tectonophysics. 602: 15-37
Frassetto A, Thybo H. (2013) Receiver function analysis of the crust and upper mantle in Fennoscandia – isostatic implications Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 381: 234-246
Frassetto AM, Zandt G, Gilbert H, et al. (2011) Structure of the Sierra Nevada from receiver functions and implications for lithospheric foundering Geosphere. 7: 898-921
Frassetto A, Zandt G, Gilbert H, et al. (2010) Improved imaging with phase-weighted common conversion point stacks of receiver functions Geophysical Journal International. 182: 368-374
Frassetto A, Gilbert H, Zandt G, et al. (2006) Support of high elevation in the southern Basin and Range based on the composition and architecture of the crust in the Basin and Range and Colorado Plateau Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 249: 62-73
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