Francesca D. D'Arcangelo, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | Boston University, Boston, MA, United States |
Astronomy and AstrophysicsGoogle:
"Francesca D'Arcangelo"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorAlan P. Marscher | grad student | 2010 | Boston University | |
(Correlated multiwavelength polarization in blazars.) |
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Jorstad SG, Marscher AP, Larionov VM, et al. (2010) Flaring behavior of the quasar 3C 454.3 across the electromagnetic spectrum Astrophysical Journal. 715: 362-384 |
D'Arcangelo FD, Marscher AP, Jorstad SG, et al. (2009) Synchronous optical and radio polarization variability in the blazar OJ287 Astrophysical Journal. 697: 985-995 |
Marscher AP, Jorstad SG, D'Arcangelo FD, et al. (2008) The inner jet of an active galactic nucleus as revealed by a radio-to-gamma-ray outburst. Nature. 452: 966-9 |
D'Arcangelo FD, Marscher AP, Jorstad SG, et al. (2007) Rapid multiwaveband polarization variability in the quasar PKS 0420-014: Optical emission from the compact radio jet Astrophysical Journal. 659 |