Amit A. Belwalkar, Ph.D.

2011 Mechanical Engineering Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, United States 
Mechanical Engineering, Optics Physics
"Amit Belwalkar"
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Jean Toulouse grad student 2011 Lehigh University
 (Flow analysis in the extrusion of tellurite glass preforms for enhanced optical fibers.)
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Belwalkar A, Misiolek WZ, Toulouse J. (2010) Viscosity study of the optical tellurite glass: 75TeO2-20ZnO- 5Na2O Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 356: 1354-1358
Belwalkar A, Xiao H, Misiolek WZ, et al. (2010) Extruded tellurite glass optical fiber preforms Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 210: 2016-2022
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