Nayeli Zuniga-Hansen, Ph.D.

2013 Physics Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Molecular Physics, Atomic Physics
"Nayeli Zuniga-Hansen"
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Mark Steven Byrd grad student 2013 SIU Carbondale
 (A dissertation on open quantum system dynamics for describing state transfer.)
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Zuniga-Hansen N, Silbert LE, Calbi MM. (2018) Breakdown of kinetic compensation effect in physical desorption Physical Review E. 98
Zuniga-Hansen N, Calbi MM. (2012) Thermal desorption from heterogeneous surfaces Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 116: 5025-5032
Burde JT, Zuniga-Hansen N, Park CL, et al. (2009) Kinetics of external adsorption on nanotube bundles: Surface heterogeneity effects Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 113: 16945-16950
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