Basilio Yniguez, Ph.D.

2014 Physics - Ph.D. University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA 
Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
"Basilio Yniguez"
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James Steven Bullock grad student 2014 UC Irvine
 (A Summary of Observational Data of the Local Group and a Comparison to LambdaCDM.)
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Yniguez B, Garrison-kimmel S, Boylan-kolchin M, et al. (2014) On the stark difference in satellite distributions around the milky way and andromeda Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 439: 73-82
Howley KM, Guhathakurta P, Van Der Marel R, et al. (2013) Internal stellar kinematics of m32 from the splash survey: Dark halo constraint Astrophysical Journal. 765
Dorman CE, Guhathakurta P, Fardal MA, et al. (2012) The splash survey: Kinematics of Andromeda's inner spheroid Astrophysical Journal. 752
Tollerud EJ, Beaton RL, Geha MC, et al. (2012) The SPLASH survey: Spectroscopy of 15 M31 dwarf spheroidal satellite galaxies Astrophysical Journal. 752
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