Lita M. Proctor

Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
Oceanography Biology, Microbiology Biology, Environmental Sciences
"Lita Proctor"


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Jed A. Fuhrman grad student 1991 SUNY Stony Brook
 (Marine viruses and the fate of bacteria in the ocean.)
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Proctor LM. (2011) The Human Microbiome Project in 2011 and beyond. Cell Host & Microbe. 10: 287-91
Yilmaz P, Kottmann R, Field D, et al. (2011) Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications. Nature Biotechnology. 29: 415-20
Yilmaz P, Kottmann R, Field D, et al. (2010) The “Minimum Information about an ENvironmental Sequence” (MIENS) specification Nature Precedings. 5: 1-1
Field D, Garrity G, Gray T, et al. (2008) The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification. Nature Biotechnology. 26: 541-7
Proctor LM, Okubo A, Fuhrman JA. (1993) Calibrating estimates of phage-induced mortality in marine bacteria: Ultrastructural studies of marine bacteriophage development from one-step growth experiments. Microbial Ecology. 25: 161-82
Proctor LM, Fuhrman JA. (1992) Mortality of marine bacteria in response to enrichments of the virus size fraction from seawater Marine Ecology Progress Series. 87: 283-293
Proctor LM, Fuhrman JA. (1991) Roles of viral infection in organic particle flux Marine Ecology Progress Series. 69: 133-142
Proctor LM, Fuhrman JA. (1990) Viral mortality of marine bacteria and cyanobacteria Nature. 343: 60-62
Fuhrman J, Sleeter T, Carlson C, et al. (1989) Dominance of bacterial biomass in the Sargasso Sea and its ecological implications Marine Ecology Progress Series. 57: 207-217
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