Austin M. Gleeson

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
Molecular Physics
"Austin Gleeson"

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Cook JA, Gleeson AM, Roberts RM, et al. (1997) A spark-generated bubble model with semi-empirical mass transport Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 101: 1908-1920
Roberts RM, Cook JA, Rogers RL, et al. (1996) The energy partition of underwater sparks Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 99: 3465-3475
Dicus DA, Gleeson AM. (1983) Comment on "upper bounds on the higgs-boson mass and the coupling constant" Physical Review Letters. 51: 324
Dicus DA, Kolb EW, Gleeson AM, et al. (1982) Primordial nucleosynthesis including radiative, Coulomb, and finite-temperature corrections to weak rates Physical Review D. 26: 2694-2706
Gleiser RJ, Gleeson AM. (1972) Linear-trajectory fits of pion-nucleon scattering at high energies Physical Review D. 6: 262-280
Gleeson AM, Mahanthappa KT. (1967) Pion-nucleon collision and single-pion production - II 02 Il Nuovo Cimento A. 51: 40-73
Gleeson AM, Mahanthappa KT. (1967) Pion-nucleon collisions and single-pion production Il Nuovo Cimento a Series 10. 48: 849-889
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