Oswald Veblen

Mathematics Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
topology, geometry
"Oswald Veblen"

(1880 - 1960)

Mean distance: 11.14
Cross-listing: MathTree


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Eliakim Hastings Moore grad student 1903 Chicago (MathTree)


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James Wallace Givens grad student Princeton (MathTree)
Robert Lee Moore grad student 1905 Chicago (MathTree)
James W. Alexander grad student 1910-1915 Princeton
Henry Roy Brahana grad student 1920 Princeton (Econometree)
Philip Franklin grad student 1921 Princeton
Tracy Y. Thomas grad student 1923 Princeton
Harold Hotelling grad student 1924 Princeton (Econometree)
Alonzo Church grad student 1927 Princeton (MathTree)
John HC Whitehead grad student 1930 Princeton (MathTree)
Banesh Hoffmann grad student 1929-1932 Princeton (MathTree)
William P. Allis post-doc 1928-1929 Princeton
Abraham Haskel Taub post-doc 1935-1936 Institute for Advanced Study (MathTree)
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Taub AH, Veblen O, von Neumann J. (1934) The Dirac Equation in Projective Relativity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 20: 383-8
Veblen O, Taub AH. (1934) Projective Differentiation in Spinors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 20: 85-92
Veblen O. (1933) Spinors in Projective Relativity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 19: 979-89
Veblen O, Whitehead JH. (1931) A Set of Axioms for Differential Geometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 17: 551-61
Veblen O. (1929) Generalized Projective Geometry Journal of the London Mathematical Society-Second Series. 140-160
Veblen O. (1928) Projective Tensors and Connections. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 14: 154-66
Veblen O, Thomas JM. (1926) Projective Invariants of Affine Geometry of Paths Annals of Mathematics. 27: 279
Veblen O, Thomas JM. (1925) Projective Normal Coördinates for the Geometry of Paths. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 11: 204-7
Veblen O, Thomas TY. (1924) Extensions of relative tensors Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 26: 373-373
Veblen O, Thomas TY. (1923) The geometry of paths Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. 25: 551-551
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