James W. Button

University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
General, Public and Social Welfare
"James Button"
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Gainous J, Button J, Rienzo B. (2007) African Americans and municipal employment: A test of two perspectives The Social Science Journal. 44: 535-545
Rienzo BA, Button JW, Sheu JJ, et al. (2006) The politics of sexual orientation issues in American schools. The Journal of School Health. 76: 93-7
Button J, Bakker R, Rienzo BA. (2006) White women and affirmative action in employment in six southern cities Social Science Journal. 43: 297-302
Button JW, Rienzo BA. (2003) The impact of affirmative action: Black employment in six southern cities Social Science Quarterly. 84: 1-14
Wald KD, Rienzo BA, Button JW. (2002) Sexual orientation and education politics: gay and lesbian representation in American schools. Journal of Homosexuality. 42: 145-68
Wald KD, Button JW, Rienzo BA. (2001) Morality politics vs. political economy: The case of school-based health centers Social Science Quarterly. 82
Rienzo BA, Button JW, Wald KD. (2000) Politics and the success of school-based health centers. The Journal of School Health. 70: 331-7
Button JW, Wald KD, Rienzo BA. (1999) The election of openly gay public officials in American communities Urban Affairs Review. 35: 188-209
Button J, Corrigan M. (1997) Blacks And The Continuing Quest For Equal Employment In Six Florida Communities Community Development. 28: 84-99
Rienzo BA, Button J, Wald KD. (1996) The politics of school-based programs which address sexual orientation Journal of School Health. 66: 33-40
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