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Chien-Shiung Wu grad student 1958 Columbia
 (The beta and gamma radiations of 35Br8247 and 37Rb8243 and the energy levels of 36Kr8246)
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Sharon YY, Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki GJ, et al. (2018) Systematics of the ratio of electric quadrupole moments Q(21+) to the square root of the reduced transition probabilities B(E2;01+→21+) in even–even nuclei Nuclear Physics. 980: 131-142
Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki GJ, Speidel K-, et al. (2016) Magnetic moment and lifetime measurements of Coulomb-excited states in 106Cd Physical Review C. 94: 34303
Kumbartzki GJ, Benczer-Koller N, Speidel KH, et al. (2016) Z=50 core stability in Sn 110 from magnetic-moment and lifetime measurements Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 93
Benczer-Koller N, Kumbartzki GJ. (2015) Exploration of nuclear structure beyond the limits of stability via magnetic moment measurements: 82Sr and 90Sr Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 580
Kumbartzki GJ, Benczer-Koller N, Burcher S, et al. (2014) Transition from collectivity to single-particle degrees of freedom from magnetic moment measurements on 3882 Sr 44 and 3890 Sr 52 Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 89
Kumbartzki GJ, Benczer-Koller N, Ratkiewicz A, et al. (2014) Transition from collectivity to single-particle degrees of freedom from magnetic moment measurements in $^{82}_{38}$Sr and $^{90}_{38}$Sr Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2014
Stuchbery AE, Allmond JM, Galindo-Uribarri A, et al. (2013) Electromagnetic properties of the 21+ state in 134Te: Influence of core excitation on single-particle orbits beyond 132Sn Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 88
Rice SL, Sharon YY, Benczer-Koller N, et al. (2013) Systematics of low-lying state transition probabilities and excitation energies in the region 30≤Z≤38 and 30≤N≤50 Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 88
Gürdal G, Stefanova EA, Boutachkov P, et al. (2013) Measurements of g(41+,22+) in 70,72,74 ,76Ge: Systematics of low-lying structures in 30≤Z≤40 and 30≤N≤50 nuclei Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 88
Kumbartzki GJ, Benczer-Koller N, Torres DA, et al. (2012) Transient field g factor and mean-life measurements with a rare isotope beam of 126Sn Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 86
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