David Horn, Prof.

Physics Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District, Israel 
"David Horn"
Mean distance: 17.55 (cluster 17)
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Erez Persi research assistant 1998-2003 Tel Aviv University (Neurotree)
Erez Persi post-doc 2009- Tel Aviv University (Neurotree)
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Persi E, Wolf YI, Horn D, et al. (2020) Publisher Correction: Mutation-selection balance and compensatory mechanisms in tumour evolution. Nature Reviews. Genetics
Persi E, Wolf YI, Horn D, et al. (2020) Mutation-selection balance and compensatory mechanisms in tumour evolution. Nature Reviews. Genetics
Persi E, Prandi D, Wolf YI, et al. (2019) Proteomic and genomic signatures of repeat instability in cancer and adjacent normal tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Horn D, Sagi D, Usher M. (2019) Segmentation, Binding, and Illusory Conjunctions. Neural Computation. 3: 510-525
Witztum J, Persi E, Horn D, et al. (2014) Hierarchical partitioning of metazoan protein conservation profiles provides new functional insights. Plos One. 9: e90282
Persi E, Horn D. (2013) Systematic analysis of compositional order of proteins reveals new characteristics of biological functions and a universal correlate of macroevolution. Plos Computational Biology. 9: e1003346
Persi E, Weingart U, Freilich S, et al. (2012) Peptide markers of aminoacyl tRNA synthetases facilitate taxa counting in metagenomic data. Bmc Genomics. 13: 65
Weingart U, Persi E, Horn D. (2011) Specific peptides facilitate metagenomic analysis F1000research. 2
Weingart U, Persi E, Gophna U, et al. (2010) Deriving enzymatic and taxonomic signatures of metagenomes from short read data. Bmc Bioinformatics. 11: 390
Gottlieb A, Varshavsky R, Linial M, et al. (2010) UFFizi: a generic platform for ranking informative features. Bmc Bioinformatics. 11: 300
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