Joel Henry Ferziger

1961-2003 Mechanical Engineering Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Fluid and Plasma Physics
"Joel Henry Ferziger" OR "Joel H Ferziger"

(1937 - 2004)

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Paul Frederick Zweifel grad student 1962 University of Michigan (E-Tree)
 (The Theory of Neutron Slowing Down in Nuclear Reactors)


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Anthony Leonard grad student 1963 Stanford (Chemistry Tree)
Sudarshan K. Loyalka grad student 1964-1967 Stanford (E-Tree)
Parviz Moin grad student 1978 Stanford (Meteorology Tree)
Warren H. Finlay grad student 1987 Stanford (E-Tree)
Yu-Heng Tseng grad student 2003 Stanford
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Shariff K, Leonard A, Ferziger JH. (2008) A contour dynamics algorithm for axisymmetric flow Journal of Computational Physics. 227: 9044-9062
Nagarajan S, Lele SK, Ferziger JH. (2007) Leading-edge effects in bypass transition Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 572: 471-504
Shariff K, Leonard A, Ferziger JH. (2006) Dynamical systems analysis of fluid transport in time-periodic vortex ring flows Physics of Fluids. 18
Chow FK, Street RL, Xue M, et al. (2005) Explicit filtering and reconstruction turbulence modeling for large-eddy simulation of neutral boundary layer flow Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 62: 2058-2077
Jacobitz FG, Rogers MM, Ferziger JH. (2005) Waves in stably stratified turbulent flow Journal of Turbulence. 6: 1-12
Tseng YH, Dietrich DE, Ferziger JH. (2005) Regional circulation of the Monterey Bay region: Hydrostatic versus nonhydrostatic modeling Journal of Geophysical Research C: Oceans. 110: 1-21
Shih LH, Koseff JR, Ivey GN, et al. (2005) Parameterization of turbulent fluxes and scales using homogeneous sheared stably stratified turbulence simulations Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 525: 193-214
Tseng YH, Ferziger JH. (2004) Large-eddy simulation of turbulent wavy boundary flow - Illustration of vortex dynamics Journal of Turbulence. 5
Ferziger JH, Tseng YH. (2004) A co-ordinate system independent streamwise upwind method for fluid flow computation International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids. 45: 1235-1247
Ferziger JH. (2003) Simulation of Environmental Flows: Similarities and Differences from Technological Flows Computers and Mathematics With Applications. 46: 591-602
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