Peter Eric Bosted

American University, Washington, DC, United States 
Nuclear Physics
"Peter Eric Bosted"
Bosted, Peter Eric, Pion photoproduction in the (3,3) resonance region, Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 1980.

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Aron Myron Bernstein grad student 1980 MIT
 (Pion Photoproduction in the (3,3) Resonance Region.)


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Narbe Kalantarians grad student
Allison Lung grad student 1992 American University
Cynthia Keppel grad student 1994 American University
James A. Dunne grad student 1995 American University (Astronomy Tree)
Paul J. DePietro grad student 2003 American University
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Tvaskis V, Tvaskis A, Niculescu I, et al. (2018) Measurements of the separated longitudinal structure function FL from hydrogen and deuterium targets at low Q2 Physical Review C. 97
Jawalkar S, Koirala S, Avakian H, et al. (2018) Semi-inclusive π0 target and beam-target asymmetries from 6 GeV electron scattering with CLAS Physics Letters B. 782: 662-667
Guler N, Fersch RG, Kuhn SE, et al. (2015) Precise determination of the deuteron spin structure at low to moderate Q2 with CLAS and extraction of the neutron contribution Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 92
Zhao YX, Allada K, Aniol K, et al. (2015) Double spin asymmetries of inclusive hadron electroproduction from a transversely polarized He 3 target Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 92
Zhang Y, Qian X, Allada K, et al. (2014) Measurement of "pretzelosity" asymmetry of charged pion production in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering on a polarized He 3 target Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 90
Tang L, Chen C, Gogami T, et al. (2014) Experiments with the High Resolution Kaon Spectrometer at JLab Hall C and the new spectroscopy of Λ12 B hypernuclei Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 90
Prok Y, Bosted P, Kvaltine N, et al. (2014) Precision measurements of g1 of the proton and of the deuteron with 6 GeV electrons Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 90
Tkachenko S, Baillie N, Kuhn SE, et al. (2014) Measurement of the structure function of the nearly free neutron using spectator tagging in inelastic H 2 (e, e′ps) X scattering with CLAS Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 89
Allada K, Zhao YX, Aniol K, et al. (2014) Single spin asymmetries of inclusive hadrons produced in electron scattering from a transversely polarized 3 He target Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 89
Baillie N, Tkachenko S, Zhang J, et al. (2012) Publisher’s Note: Measurement of the NeutronF2Structure Function via Spectator Tagging with CLAS [Phys. Rev. Lett.108, 142001 (2012)] Physical Review Letters. 108
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