Chris McBain

National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 
synaptic transmission
"Chris McBain"
Mean distance: 13.15 (cluster 6)


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Ray Dingledine post-doc 1988-1992 UNC Chapel Hill
Julie A. Kauer post-doc 1993-1994 Duke


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Carl Edward Schoonover research assistant 2004-2004 NICHD
Katherine E. (Katie) Travis research assistant 2004-2005 NIH
David Paul Collins research assistant 2013-2014 National Insitutes of Health
Calvin Fang research assistant 2015-2017 NIH (NICHD)
Christian Cea-Del Rio grad student NICHD
Tsz Wan Michelle Ho grad student NICHD
April Johnston grad student 2013- NIH-Karolinska Institute
Christopher B. Macklin grad student 2004-2005 NICHD
Geoffrey Vargish grad student 2010-2016 Brown University + NICHD
Carolina Bengtsson Gonzales grad student 2018-2019 Karolinska
Tyler Ekins grad student 2015-2020 Brown
Ramesh Chittajulla post-doc NIH
Michael I. Daw post-doc NICHD
Gianmaria Maccaferri post-doc NIH
Kenneth Pelkey post-doc NIH
Jason C. Wester post-doc
Sean C. Barron post-doc 2010- NICHD
Vivek Mahadevan post-doc 2016- NIH (NICHD)
June Hoan Kim post-doc 2020- National Institutes of Health
Katalin Toth post-doc 1996-2000 NICHD
Andre Fisahn post-doc 1998-2001 NIH
J Josh Lawrence post-doc 1999-2008 NIH
Christine L. Torborg post-doc 2005-2010 NIH
Brian E. Erkkila post-doc 2008-2011 NICHD
Michael T. Craig post-doc 2011-2016 NICHD
Ramesh Chittajallu research scientist
BETA: Related publications


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Caccavano AP, Kimmel S, Vlachos A, et al. (2024) Divergent opioid-mediated suppression of inhibition between hippocampus and neocortex across species and development. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Banks E, Gutekunst CA, Vargish GA, et al. (2024) An enhancer-AAV approach selectively targeting dentate granule cells of the mouse hippocampus. Cell Reports Methods. 100684
Pelkey KA, Vargish GA, Pellegrini LV, et al. (2023) Evolutionary conservation of hippocampal mossy fiber synapse properties. Neuron
Camp CR, Vlachos A, Klöckner C, et al. (2023) Loss of Grin2a causes a transient delay in the electrophysiological maturation of hippocampal parvalbumin interneurons. Communications Biology. 6: 952
Banks E, Gutekunst CA, Vargish GA, et al. (2023) A novel enhancer-AAV approach selectively targeting dentate granule cells. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Vormstein-Schneider D, Lin JD, Pelkey KA, et al. (2022) Publisher Correction: Viral manipulation of functionally distinct interneurons in mice, non-human primates and humans. Nature Neuroscience
Pouchelon G, Vergara J, McMahon J, et al. (2022) A versatile viral toolkit for functional discovery in the nervous system. Cell Reports Methods. 2: 100225
Mackenzie-Gray Scott CA, Pelkey KA, Caccavano AP, et al. (2022) Resilient Hippocampal Gamma Rhythmogenesis and Parvalbumin-Expressing Interneuron Function Before and After Plaque Burden in Alzheimer's Disease Model. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience. 14: 857608
Xiao MF, Roh SE, Zhou J, et al. (2021) A biomarker-authenticated model of schizophrenia implicating NPTX2 loss of function. Science Advances. 7: eabf6935
Hansen KB, Wollmuth LP, Bowie D, et al. (2021) Structure, Function, and Pharmacology of Glutamate Receptor Ion Channels. Pharmacological Reviews. 73: 298-487
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