Alan Gallagher

University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
Condensed Matter Physics
"Alan Gallagher"
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Zheng W, Gallagher A. (2008) Radical species involved in hotwire (catalytic) deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon Thin Solid Films. 516: 929-939
Zheng W, Gallagher A. (2006) Hot wire radicals and reactions Thin Solid Films. 501: 21-25
Zheng W, Gallagher A. (2006) Hydrogen dissociation on high-temperature tungsten Surface Science. 600: 2207-2213
Xu X, Loftus TH, Dunn JW, et al. (2003) Single-stage sub-Doppler cooling of alkaline earth atoms. Physical Review Letters. 90: 193002
Xu X, Loftus TH, Hall JL, et al. (2003) Cooling and trapping of atomic strontium Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 20: 968-976
Hamann H, Larbadi M, Barzen S, et al. (2003) Extinction near-field optical microscopy Optics Communications. 227: 1-13
Xu X, Loftus TH, Smith MJ, et al. (2002) Dynamics in a two-level atom magneto-optical trap Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 66: 114011-114014
Mahan AH, Xu Y, Nelson BP, et al. (2001) Saturated defect densities of hydrogenated amorphous silicon grown by hot-wire chemical vapor deposition at rates up to 150 Å/s Applied Physics Letters. 78: 3788-3790
Gallagher A. (2001) Some physics and chemistry of hot-wire deposition Thin Solid Films. 395: 25-28
Gallagher A. (2000) Model of particle growth in silane discharges Physical Review E. 62: 2690-2706
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