Steffan M. Puwal, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI, United States |
Medical BiophysicsGoogle:
"Steffan Puwal"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorBradley J. Roth | grad student | 2008 | Oakland University | |
(Computational biophysical methods in heart defibrillation.) |
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Puwal S, Roth BJ, Basser PJ. (2016) Heterogeneous anisotropic magnetic susceptibility of the myelin-water layers causes local magnetic field perturbations in axons. Nmr in Biomedicine |
Peers SC, Maerz T, Baker EA, et al. (2014) T1Ï magnetic resonance imaging for detection of early cartilage changes in knees of asymptomatic collegiate female impact and nonimpact athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 24: 218-25 |
Puwal S, Roth BJ. (2013) Monodomain shear wave propagation and bidomain shear wave dispersion in an elastic model of cardiac tissue. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 87: 024701 |
Puwal S, Roth BJ. (2011) Fourier analysis in Magnetic Induction Tomography: Mapping of anisotropic, inhomogeneous resistivity. Measurement Science & Technology. 22 |
Puwal S, Roth BJ. (2011) Fourier-based magnetic induction tomography for mapping resistivity. Journal of Applied Physics. 109: 14701 |
Puwal S, Roth B. (2011) Erratum: “Fourier-based magnetic induction tomography for mapping resistivity” [J. Appl. Phys. 109, 014701 (2011)] Journal of Applied Physics. 109: 059901 |
Puwal S, Roth BJ. (2010) Mechanical bidomain model of cardiac tissue. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 82: 041904 |
Puwal S, Roth BJ, Garfinkle D. (2009) Spherical topology in cardiac simulations. Hfsp Journal. 3: 124-9 |
Puwal S, Roth BJ. (2009) Optimization of feedback pacing for defibrillation. Ieee Transactions On Bio-Medical Engineering. 56: 532-4 |
Hosfeld VD, Puwal S, Jankowski K, et al. (2007) A model for multi-site pacing of fibrillation using nonlinear dynamics feedback. Journal of Biological Physics. 33: 145-53 |