Nicolette Sopcak, Ph.D.

2013 Human Ecology University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 
Individual and Family Studies
"Nicolette Sopcak"


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Berna Skrypnek grad student 2013 University of Alberta
 (Engaging, Understanding, and Supporting Teen Fathers.)
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O'Brien MA, Lofters A, Wall B, et al. (2024) Adaptation and qualitative evaluation of the BETTER intervention for chronic disease prevention and screening by public health nurses in low income neighbourhoods: views of community residents. Bmc Health Services Research. 24: 427
Manca DP, Fernandes C, Lofters A, et al. (2023) Results from the BETTER WISE trial: a pragmatic cluster two arm parallel randomized controlled trial for primary prevention and screening in primary care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Bmc Primary Care. 24: 200
Lofters A, Khalil I, Sopcak N, et al. (2023) Opportunities to improve quality of care for cancer survivors in primary care: findings from the BETTER WISE study. Supportive Care in Cancer : Official Journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer. 31: 430
Sopcak N, Fernandes C, Ofosu D, et al. (2023) Facilitators and Barriers to the Implementation of BETTER WISE, a Chronic Disease and Prevention Intervention in Canada: A Qualitative Study. Global Implementation Research and Applications. 3: 162-172
Aubrey-Bassler K, Fernandes C, Penney C, et al. (2019) The effectiveness of a proven chronic disease prevention and screening intervention in diverse and remote primary care settings: an implementation study on the BETTER 2 Program. Bjgp Open
Manca DP, Fernandes C, Grunfeld E, et al. (2018) The BETTER WISE protocol: building on existing tools to improve cancer and chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care for wellness of cancer survivors and patients - a cluster randomized controlled trial embedded in a mixed methods design. Bmc Cancer. 18: 927
O'Brien M, Lofters A, Wall B, et al. (2018) Better Health Durham: Community Engagement in a Cluster RCT of a Prevention Practitioner Intervention in Low-Income Neighbourhoods Journal of Global Oncology. 4: 22s-22s
Sopcak N, Aguilar C, Nykiforuk CIJ, et al. (2017) Patients' perspectives on BETTER 2 prevention and screening: qualitative findings from Newfoundland & Labrador. Bjgp Open. 1: bjgpopen17X101037
Paszat L, Sutradhar R, O'Brien MA, et al. (2017) BETTER HEALTH: Durham -- protocol for a cluster randomized trial of BETTER in community and public health settings. Bmc Public Health. 17: 754
Sopcak N, Aguilar C, O'Brien MA, et al. (2016) Implementation of the BETTER 2 program: a qualitative study exploring barriers and facilitators of a novel way to improve chronic disease prevention and screening in primary care. Implementation Science : Is. 11: 158
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