Gregory Timp

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, General Biophysics
"Gregory Timp"
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Rigo E, Dong Z, Park JH, et al. (2019) Measurements of the size and correlations between ions using an electrolytic point contact. Nature Communications. 10: 2382
Timp G. (2018) Direct Measurements of the Size and Correlations between Single Ions Impelled through a Sub-Nanometer-Diameter Pore Biophysical Journal. 114: 182a
Dong Z, Kennedy E, Hokmabadi M, et al. (2017) Discriminating Residue Substitutions in a Single Protein Molecule Using a Sub-Nanopore. Acs Nano
Kolmogorov M, Kennedy E, Dong Z, et al. (2017) Single-molecule protein identification by sub-nanopore sensors. Plos Computational Biology. 13: e1005356
Kennedy E, Dong Z, Tennant C, et al. (2016) Reading the primary structure of a protein with 0.07 nm(3) resolution using a subnanometre-diameter pore. Nature Nanotechnology
McKelvey K, Kurz V, Tanaka T, et al. (2015) Fingerprinting Single Living Cells with Molecular Precision Biophysical Journal. 108: 186a
Nelson EM, Li H, Timp G. (2014) Direct, concurrent measurements of the forces and currents affecting DNA in a nanopore with comparable topography. Acs Nano. 8: 5484-93
Kurz V, Tanaka T, Timp G. (2014) Single cell transfection with single molecule resolution using a synthetic nanopore. Nano Letters. 14: 604-11
Timp W, Nice AM, Nelson EM, et al. (2014) Think small: Nanopores for sensing and synthesis Ieee Access. 2: 1396-1408
Nelson EM, Li H, Timp G. (2014) Direct and Simultaneous Force and Current Measurements of Single-Stranded DNA in Synthetic Nanopores Biophysical Journal. 106: 213a
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