Herbert Walther
Affiliations: | 1975-2003 | Physics | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, München, Bayern, Germany |
1981-2006 | Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik |
Quantum opticsWebsite:
"Herbert Walther"Bio:
(1935 - 2006)
Mean distance: 10.55 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHans Kopfermann | grad student | 1962 | Heidelberg University | |
(http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/magazine/physicstoday/article/60/6/10.1063/1.2754618) |
Sign in to add traineeLudger Wöste | research assistant | 1972 | University of Bonn |
Wolfgang Ketterle | grad student | Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching | |
Gerd Leuchs | grad student | ||
Ekkehard Peik | grad student | Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik | |
Gerhard Rempe | grad student | Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Garching | |
Jason Alfredo Carlson Gallas | grad student | 1981-1983 | Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics |
Georg A. Raithel | grad student | 1990 | Universität München |
Markus Arndt | grad student | 1990-1991 | Ludwig Maximilian University Munich |
Almut Beige | post-doc | ||
Wolfgang P. Schleich | post-doc | ||
Józef Ambroży Heldt | post-doc | 1975-1976 | University of Cologne |
Benjamin T.H. Varcoe | post-doc | 1997-2001 | Max Plank Institute for Quantum Optics |
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Glauber RJ, Orozco LA, Vogel K, et al. (2010) Field fluctuations measured by interferometry Physica Scripta T |
Wang YH, Dumke R, Zhang J, et al. (2007) Absolute frequency and isotope shift measurements of the cooling transition in singly ionized indium European Physical Journal D. 44: 307-311 |
Wang YH, Liu T, Dumke R, et al. (2007) Improved absolute frequency measurement of the 115In+ 5s 2 1 S 0-5s5p 3 P 0 narrowline transition: Progress towards an optical frequency standard Laser Physics. 17: 1017-1024 |
Keller M, Lange B, Hayasaka K, et al. (2007) Stable long-term coupling of a single ion to a cavity mode Journal of Modern Optics. 54: 1607-1617 |
Wang YH, Dumke R, Liu T, et al. (2007) Absolute frequency measurement and high resolution spectroscopy of 115In+ 5s2 1S0-5s5p 3P0 narrowline transition Optics Communications. 273: 526-531 |
Liu T, Wang YH, Dumke R, et al. (2007) Narrow linewidth light source for an ultraviolet optical frequency standard Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 87: 227-232 |
Walther H. (2007) The Deterministic Generation of Photons by Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Elements of Quantum Information. 1-43 |
Schleich WP, Walther H. (2007) Elements of Quantum Information Elements of Quantum Information. 1-495 |
Bezuhanov K, Dreischuh A, Paulus GG, et al. (2006) Spatial phase dislocations in femtosecond laser pulses Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 23: 26-35 |
Lougovski P, Walther H, Solano E. (2006) Instantaneous measurement of field quadrature moments and entanglement European Physical Journal D. 38: 423-426 |