Henry M. Stommel, Ph.D.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Falmouth, MA, United States 
"Henry M. Stommel"

(1920 - 1992)

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Luyten J, McCartney M, Stommel H, et al. (1993) On the sources of North Atlantic Deep Water Journal of Physical Oceanography. 23: 1885-1892
Huang RX, Stommel HM. (1992) Convective flow patterns in an eight-box cube driven by combined wind stress, thermal, and saline forcing Journal of Geophysical Research. 97: 2347
Friehe CA, Stommel HM. (1991) Andrew F. Bunker: Pioneering in Air-Sea Interaction Research 1946–79 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 72: 44-49
Huang RX, Stommel H. (1990) Cross Sections of a Two-Layer Inertial Gulf Stream Journal of Physical Oceanography. 20: 907-911
Hogg NG, Stommel HM. (1990) Maximizing buoyancy flux across layered geostrophic sections Journal of Physical Oceanography. 20: 264-273
Hogg NG, Stommel HM. (1990) How currents in the upper thermocline could advect meddies deeper down Deep Sea Research Part a, Oceanographic Research Papers. 37: 613-623
Stommel H. (1989) Why We Are Oceanographers Oceanography. 2: 48-54
Luyten JR, Hogg NG, Stommel HM. (1987) Closing the oceanic circulation Deep Sea Research Part a, Oceanographic Research Papers. 34: 55-58,60
Luyten J, Stommel H. (1986) A beta-control of buoyancy-driven geostrophic flows Tellus a: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography. 38: 88-91
Luyten J, Stommel H. (1986) Gyres Driven by Combined Wind and Buoyancy Flux Journal of Physical Oceanography. 16: 1551-1560
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