Amy M. Gullickson, Ph.D.

2010 Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, United States 
Organization Theory, Organizational
"Amy Gullickson"


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Nicholas Andreadis grad student 2010 Western Michigan University
 (Mainstreaming evaluation: Four case studies of systematic evaluation integrated into organizational culture and practices.)
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Downes J, Gullickson AM. (2022) What does it mean for an evaluation to be 'valid'? A critical synthesis of evaluation literature. Evaluation and Program Planning. 91: 102056
Gullickson AM. (2020) The whole elephant: Defining evaluation. Evaluation and Program Planning. 79: 101787
Gullickson AM, King JA, LaVelle JM, et al. (2019) The current state of evaluator education: A situation analysis and call to action. Evaluation and Program Planning. 75: 20-30
Gullickson AM, Hannum KM. (2019) Making values explicit in evaluation practice Evaluation of Journal of Australasia. 19: 162-178
Roorda M, Gullickson AM. (2019) Developing evaluation criteria using an ethical lens Evaluation of Journal of Australasia. 19: 179-194
Hamman WR, Beaudin-Seiler BM, Beaubien JM, et al. (2010) Using in situ simulation to identify and resolve latent environmental threats to patient safety: case study involving operational changes in a labor and delivery ward. Quality Management in Health Care. 19: 226-30
Hamman WR, Beaudin-Seiler BM, Beaubien JM, et al. (2010) Using simulation to identify and resolve threats to patient safety. The American Journal of Managed Care. 16: e145-50
Hamman WR, Beaudin-Seiler BM, Beaubien JM, et al. (2009) Using in situ simulation to identify and resolve latent environmental threats to patient safety: case study involving a labor and delivery ward. Journal of Patient Safety. 5: 184-7
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