Daniel B. Hewins, Ph.D.

2013 Biology New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, United States 
Ecology Biology, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Sciences
"Daniel Hewins"
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Waiter Whitford grad student 2013 New Mexico State
 (Exploring the role soil-litter mixing on decomposition in dry-land ecosystems.)
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Bork EW, Hewins DB, Lamb EG, et al. (2023) Light to moderate long-term grazing enhances ecosystem carbon across a broad climatic gradient in northern temperate grasslands. The Science of the Total Environment. 164978
Bork EW, Raatz LL, Carlyle CN, et al. (2020) Soil carbon increases with long‐term cattle stocking in northern temperate grasslands Soil Use and Management. 36: 387-399
Chuan X, Carlyle CN, Bork EW, et al. (2019) Extracellular enzyme activity in grass litter varies with grazing history, environment and plant species in temperate grasslands. The Science of the Total Environment. 702: 134562
Hewins DB, Lee H, Barnes PW, et al. (2019) Early exposure to UV radiation overshadowed by precipitation and litter quality as drivers of decomposition in the northern Chihuahuan Desert. Plos One. 14: e0210470
Bork EW, Lyseng MP, Hewins DB, et al. (2019) Herbage biomass and its relationship to soil carbon under long-term grazing in northern temperate grasslands Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 99: 905-916
Hewins DB, Lyseng MP, Schoderbek DF, et al. (2018) Grazing and climate effects on soil organic carbon concentration and particle-size association in northern grasslands. Scientific Reports. 8: 1336
Bork EW, Hewins DB, Tannas S, et al. (2018) Festuca campestris density and defoliation regulate abundance of the rhizomatous grass Poa pratensis in a fallow field Restoration Ecology. 26: 82-90
Lyseng MP, Bork EW, Hewins DB, et al. (2018) Long-term grazing impacts on vegetation diversity, composition, and exotic species presence across an aridity gradient in northern temperate grasslands Plant Ecology. 219: 649-663
Chuan X, Carlyle CN, Bork EW, et al. (2018) Long-Term Grazing Accelerated Litter Decomposition in Northern Temperate Grasslands Ecosystems. 21: 1321-1334
Hebb C, Schoderbek D, Hernandez-Ramirez G, et al. (2017) Soil physical quality varies among contrasting land uses in Northern Prairie regions Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 240: 14-23
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