
Yacob Ben-Aryeh

Physics Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Haifa District, Israel 
"Yacob Ben-Aryeh"
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Ben-Aryeh Y. (2017) Nano-jet related to Bessel beams and to super-resolutions in microsphere optical experiments Epj Techniques and Instrumentation. 4: 3
Harari G, Ben-Aryeh Y, Mann A. (2015) Quantum mechanical uncertainties and exact transition amplitudes for time dependent quadratic Hamiltonian Physica Scripta. 90: 74060
Ben-Aryeh Y. (2012) Phase estimation by photon counting measurements in the output of a linear Mach–Zehnder interferometer Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 29: 2754-2764
Harari G, Ben-Aryeh Y, Mann A. (2011) Propagator for the general time-dependent harmonic oscillator with application to an ion trap Physical Review A. 84: 62104
Ben-Aryeh Y. (2010) Multiport beam-splitter controlled transformations with postselection of superposition single-photon states Optics Communications. 283: 2863-2865
Ben-Aryeh Y. (2009) Squeezing and broadening effects in mechanical oscillators Journal of Physics A. 42: 55307
Ben-Aryeh Y. (2008) Use of quantum encoders and quantum decoding for implementing the CNOT gate Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 25: 1965-1971
Barak R, Ben-Aryeh Y. (2008) Photon statistics and entanglement in coherent-squeezed linear Mach-Zehnder and Michelson interferometers Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 25: 361-372
Barak R, Ben-Aryeh Y. (2007) Quantum fast fourier transform and quantum computation by linear optics Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics. 24: 231-240
Ben-Aryeh Y. (2004) Berry and Pancharatnam Topological Phases of Atomic and Optical Systems Journal of Optics B-Quantum and Semiclassical Optics. 6
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