Jose Carlos Egues

Instituto de Física de São Carlos Universidade de Sao Paulo at Sao Carlos 
"Jose Egues"
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Zegarra A, Egues JC, Chen W. (2020) Persistent currents and spin torque caused by percolated quantum spin Hall state Physical Review B. 101
Fu J, Penteado PH, Candido DR, et al. (2020) Spin-orbit coupling in wurtzite heterostructures Physical Review B. 101
Marinescu DC, Weigele PJ, Zumbühl DM, et al. (2019) Closed-Form Weak Localization Magnetoconductivity in Quantum Wells with Arbitrary Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Interactions. Physical Review Letters. 122: 156601
Candido DR, Flatté ME, Egues JC. (2018) Blurring the Boundaries Between Topological and Nontopological Phenomena in Dots. Physical Review Letters. 121: 256804
Fu J, Penteado PH, Hachiya MO, et al. (2016) Persistent Skyrmion Lattice of Noninteracting Electrons with Spin-Orbit Coupling. Physical Review Letters. 117: 226401
Fu J, Egues JC. (2015) Spin-orbit interaction in GaAs wells: From one to two subbands Physical Review B. 91
Hachiya MO, Usaj G, Egues JC. (2014) Ballistic spin resonance in multisubband quantum wires Physical Review B. 89
Hachiya MO, Burkard G, Egues JC. (2014) Nonmonotonic spin relaxation and decoherence in graphene quantum dots with spin-orbit interactions Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 89
Thorgilsson G, Egues JC, Loss D, et al. (2012) Rashba spin orbit interaction in a quantum wire superlattice Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 85
Thorgilsson G, Egues JC, Loss D, et al. (2012) Publisher's Note: Rashba spin orbit interaction in a quantum wire superlattice [Phys. Rev. B85, 045306 (2012)] Physical Review B. 85
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