John Anthony Poirier

1959 Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
 1964- University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, United States 
Astrophysics and Elementary Particle Physics
"John Poirier"

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Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky grad student 1959 Stanford
 (Positron-electron scattering at 200 Mev.)
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D'Andrea C, Poirier J, Balsara DS. (2009) Experimental data and analysis of the October 2003 Forbush decrease Advances in Space Research. 44: 1247-1251
Muraki Y, Matsubara Y, Masuda S, et al. (2008) Detection of high-energy solar neutrons and protons by ground level detectors on April 15, 2001 Astroparticle Physics. 29: 229-242
D'Andrea C, Poirier J. (2005) Ground level muons coincident with the 20 January 2005 solar flare Geophysical Research Letters. 32: 1-3
Fragile PC, Mathews GJ, Poirier J, et al. (2004) Constraints on models for TeV gamma rays from gamma-ray bursts Astroparticle Physics. 20: 591-607
Poirier J, D'Andrea C, Fragile PC, et al. (2003) Search for sub-TeV gamma rays in coincidence with gamma ray bursts Physical Review D. 67
Poirier J, D'Andrea C. (2002) Ground level muons in coincidence with the solar flare of 15 April 2001 Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 107
Poirier J, Roesler S, Fassò A. (2002) Distributions of Secondary Muons at Sea Level from Cosmic Gamma Rays Below 10 TeV Astroparticle Physics. 17: 441-458
Fassò A, Poirier J. (2000) Spatial and energy distribution of muons in {gamma}-induced air showers Physical Review D. 63: 36002
Trzupek A, Kochocki J, Lu Y, et al. (1992) The secondary gamma composition from hadronic and electromagnetic extensive air showers at 10, 100, 1000, and 10000 TeV Journal of Physics G. 18: 1849-1861
Mikocki S, Trzupek A, Gress J, et al. (1991) Monte Carlo simulation of extensive air showers initiated by gamma rays and protons Journal of Physics G. 17: 1303-1315
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