Richard Wagner Hoffman
Affiliations: | 1993 | Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Heights, OH, United States |
"Richard Wagner Hoffman"Bio:
(1927 - 2002)
DOI: 10.1063/1.1522228
Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorEugene Casson Crittenden | grad student | 1952 | Case Institute of Technology | |
(Study of Ferromagnetism by Means of Thin Films.) |
Sign in to add traineeArthur Yelon | grad student | 1961 | Case Institute of Technology |
Martin Eric Kordesch | grad student | 1984 | Case Western (Astronomy Tree) |
Christian A. Zorman | grad student | 1994 | Case Western (E-Tree) |
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Powell JA, Neudeck PG, Trunek AJ, et al. (2000) Growth of step-free surfaces on device-size (0001)SiC mesas Applied Physics Letters. 77: 1449-1451 |
Zorman CA, Mearini GT, Hoffman RW. (2000) In situ heating study of hydrogen-containing adsorbates on polycrystalline diamond surfaces using elastic recoil detection Diamond and Related Materials. 9: 1518-1523 |
Hepp AF, Fatemi NS, Wilt DM, et al. (1996) Wheel Abrasion Experiment Metals Selection for Mars Pathfinder Mission Mrs Proceedings. 458 |
Shiao J, Hoffman RW. (1996) Studies of diamond-like and nitrogen-containing diamond-like carbon using laser Raman spectroscopy Thin Solid Films. 283: 145-150 |
Mearini GT, Krainsky IL, Dayton JA, et al. (1995) Stable secondary electron emission from chemical vapor deposited diamond films coated with alkali-halides Applied Physics Letters. 242 |
Shiao J, Zorman CA, Hoffman RW. (1994) Synthesis and characterization of nitrogen containing diamondlike carbon films made by ion beam deposition Mrs Proceedings. 349: 465 |
Mearini GT, Krainsky IL, Dayton JA, et al. (1994) Stable secondary electron emission observations from chemical vapor deposited diamond Applied Physics Letters. 65: 2702-2704 |
Zorman CA, Shiao J, Heidger S, et al. (1994) Composition and physical properties of thin a-C:N and a-C:N:H films deposited by ion beam techniques Surface and Interface Analysis. 21: 95-100 |
Krus D, Hoffman RW. (1993) Finite element studies of tensile testing on thin film multilayers Thin Solid Films. 236: 225-229 |
Wang Y, Chen H, Hoffman RW. (1991) K‐edge absorption analysis of hyrogenated diamond‐like carbon films Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology. 9: 1153-1156 |