V. Manjuladevi

2004 Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Delhi, India 
"V. Manjuladevi"
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Mishra S, Manjuladevi V, Gupta RK. (2024) Tuning liquid crystal properties with ZnO nanodiscs: a study on order parameter and conductivity. Rsc Advances. 14: 30452-30459
Kumar J, Manjuladevi V, Gupta R, et al. (2015) Effect of octadecylamine-functionalised SWCNTs on the elastic constants and electro-optic response of a liquid crystal Liquid Crystals. 42: 361-369
Manjuladevi V, Panarin YP, Song J, et al. (2008) V-shaped electro-optic response observed in a chiral ferroelectric smectic liquid crystal Applied Physics Letters. 93: 093507
Manjuladevi V, Madhusudana NV. (2005) High pressure studies on a binary mixture exhibiting two TGB phases Liquid Crystals. 32: 1071-1076
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