Maxime Clusel, Ph.D.

2011- CNRS, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
"Maxime Clusel"
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Fortin J, Clusel M. (2015) Applications of extreme value statistics in physics Journal of Physics A. 48: 183001
Whitney RS, Clusel M, Ziman T. (2011) Temperature can enhance coherent oscillations at a Landau-Zener transition. Physical Review Letters. 107: 210402
Corwin EI, Clusel M, Siemens AON, et al. (2010) Model for random packing of polydisperse frictionless spheres Soft Matter. 6: 2949
Clusel M, Fortin J. (2009) Grassmann techniques applied to classical spin systems Condensed Matter Physics. 12: 463-478
Clusel M, Corwin EI, Siemens AON, et al. (2009) A ‘granocentric’ model for random packing of jammed emulsions Nature. 460: 611-615
Clusel M, Bertin E. (2008) Global fluctuations in physical systems: A subtle interplay between sum and xtreme value statistics International Journal of Modern Physics B. 22: 3311-3368
Fortin J, Clusel M. (2008) Second-order critical lines of spin-S Ising models in a splitting field using Grassmann techniques Physical Review B. 78: 172402
Clusel M, Fortin J, Plechko VN. (2008) Alternative description of the 2D Blume-Capel model using Grassmann algebra Journal of Physics A. 41: 405004
Bertin E, Clusel M, Holdsworth PCW. (2008) Extreme statistics and volume fluctuations in a confined one-dimensional gas Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment. 2008
Clusel M, Fortin J, Holdsworth PCW. (2006) Origin of the approximate universality of distributions in equilibrium correlated systems Europhysics Letters (Epl). 76: 1008-1014
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