Françoise Masnou-Seeuws

Physics Université Paris-Sud XI, Orsay, Essonne, France 
"Françoise Masnou-Seeuws"
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Derevianko A, Luc-Koenig E, Masnou-Seeuws F. (2009) Application of B-splines in determining the eigenspectrum of diatomic molecules: robust numerical description of halo-state and Feshbach molecules Canadian Journal of Physics. 87: 67-74
Koch CP, Kosloff R, Luc-Koenig E, et al. (2008) Ultracold & ultrafast: Making and manipulating ultracold molecules with time-dependent laser fields Proceedings of the 18th International Conference On Laser Spectroscopy, Icols 2007. 219-227
Luc-Koenig E, Masnou-Seeuws F, Kosloff R. (2007) Dynamical hole in ultrafast photoassociation: Analysis of the compression effect Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 76
Mur-Petit J, Luc-Koenig E, Masnou-Seeuws F. (2007) Dynamical interferences to probe short-pulse photoassociation of Rb atoms and stabilization of Rb 2 dimers Physical Review A. 75: 61404
Kallush S, Kosloff R, Masnou-Seeuws F. (2007) Grid methods for cold molecules: Determination of photoassociation line shapes and rate constants Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 75
Blandon J, Kokoouline V, Masnou-Seeuws F. (2007) Calculation of three-body resonances using slow-variable discretization coupled with a complex absorbing potential Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 75
Luc-Koenig E, Koch C, Kosloff R, et al. (2006) Making Ultracold Molecules from Ultracold Atoms with Chirped Laser Pulses Frontiers in Optics
Naidon P, Masnou-Seeuws F. (2006) Photoassociation and optical Feshbach resonances in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate : Treatment of correlation effects Physical Review A. 73: 43611
Koch CP, Kosloff R, Masnou-Seeuws F. (2006) Short-pulse photoassociation in rubidium below the D1 line Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 73
Koch CP, Luc-Koenig E, Masnou-Seeuws F. (2006) Making ultracold molecules in a two-color pump-dump photoassociation scheme using chirped pulses Physical Review A. 73: 33408
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