Jaakko Vilhelmi Tuominen

University of Turku, Åbo, Finland 
 University of Helsinki, Helsingfors, Finland 
"Jaakko Tuominen"
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Yrjö Väisälä grad student University of Turku
Bertil Lindblad grad student 1934 Stockholm Observatory (Astronomy Tree)
Knut Lundmark grad student 1934 University of Lund (Astronomy Tree)
Heinrich Vogt grad student 1934-1935 University of Jena
Svein Rosseland grad student 1936-1937 University of Oslo, Norway
 (https://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1991QJRAS..32..199M, https://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1938C%26T....54..394T)
Harlow Shapley post-doc 1938-1940 Harvard College Observatory
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Tuominen J, Tuominen I, Kyröläinen J. (1983) Eleven-year cycle in solar rotation and meridional motions as derived from the positions of sunspot groups Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 205: 691-704
Tuominen J, Kyröläinen J. (1982) On the latitude drift of sunspot groups and solar rotation Solar Physics. 79: 161-172
Tuominen J, Kyrölsainen J. (1981) Positions of Sunspot Groups and Solar Rotation Solar Physics. 74: 153-163
Tuominen J. (1976) 22-year cycle or 11-year cycle in the latitude drift of sunspot groups? Solar Physics. 47: 541-550
Tuominen J. (1974) Remarks concerning Ward's ‘the latitudinal motion of sunspots and solar meridional circulations’ Solar Physics. 34: 15-16
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