Sytze Brandenburg

University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands 
nuclear physics; accelerator physics; radiation physics
"Sytze Brandenburg"

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Adriaan van der Woude grad student 1980-1985 RUG
 (Decay of the giant monopole resonance in heavy nuclei.)
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Malimban J, Ludwig F, Lathouwers D, et al. (2024) A simulation framework for preclinical proton irradiation workflow. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 69
Ozoemelam IS, van der Graaf ER, van Goethem MJ, et al. (2020) Feasibility of quasi-prompt PET-based range verification in proton therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology
Ozoemelam IS, van der Graaf ER, Brandenburg S, et al. (2019) The production of positron emitters with millisecond half-life during helium beam radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology
Nagle PW, van Goethem MJ, Kempers M, et al. (2019) In vitro biological response of cancer and normal tissue cells to proton irradiation not affected by an added magnetic field. Radiotherapy and Oncology : Journal of the European Society For Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology. 137: 125-129
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Nagle PW, Hosper NA, Barazzuol L, et al. (2018) Lack of DNA damage response at low radiation doses in adult stem cells contributes to organ dysfunction. Clinical Cancer Research : An Official Journal of the American Association For Cancer Research
Ozoemelam I, Graaf ERvd, Brandenburg S, et al. (2018) [OA054] Short-lived positron emitters for in-beam positron emission tomography (PET) verification of helium therapy Physica Medica. 52: 22
Buitenhuis HJ, Diblen F, Brzezinski K, et al. (2017) Beam-on imaging of short-lived positron emitters during proton therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology
Diblen F, Buitenhuis T, Solf T, et al. (2017) Radiation Hardness of dSiPM Sensors in a Proton Therapy Radiation Environment Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 64: 1891-1896
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