Zdeněk Kopal
Affiliations: | 1951-1981 | Physics and Astronomy | University of Manchester, Manchester, England, United Kingdom |
"Zdeněk Kopal"Bio:
(1914 - 1993)
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Cross-listing: Astronomy Tree
Sign in to add mentorErwin Freundlich | grad student | 1937 | University of Prague | |
Arthur Stanley Eddington | post-doc | 1938-1938 | Trinity College (Cambridge) | |
(Source: Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-1-4419-9917-7_792) |
Sign in to add traineeConstantine Goudas | grad student | 1961 | University of Manchester (Astronomy Tree) |
Richard A. James | grad student | 1962 | University of Manchester |
John Hadjidemetriou | grad student | 1965 | University of Manchester (Astronomy Tree) |
Richard N. Henriksen | grad student | 1965 | Manchester University |
John Edward Dyson | grad student | 1966 | University of Manchester |
Michael Moutsoulas | grad student | 1967 | University of Manchester (Astronomy Tree) |
R. Alan Plumb | grad student | 1972 | University of Manchester (Envirotree) |
Heleni Rovithis-Livaniou | grad student | 1976 | University of Manchester (Astronomy Tree) |
Panagiotis Niarchos | grad student | 1977 | University of Manchester (Astronomy Tree) |
Basileios Zafiropoulos | grad student | 1979 | University of Manchester (Astronomy Tree) |
Maria Gousidou-Koutita | grad student | 1980 | University of Manchester (Astronomy Tree) |
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Kopal Z. (1991) Radiative energy transfer in extended photospheres of the components of close binary systems Astrophysics and Space Science. 186: 253-276 |
Srivastava HM, Kopal Z. (1989) Further notes on the associated alpha-functions and related integrals in the theory of the light changes of eclipsing variables Astrophysics and Space Science. 162: 181-204 |
Kopal Z. (1988) The effects of mutual irradiation on the observed radial velocity of the components of close binary systems Astrophysics and Space Science. 144: 557-586 |
Kopal Z. (1987) Vibrational Stability of the Rotating Roche Model Astrophysics and Space Science. 133: 157-175 |
Kopal Z. (1987) Vibrational stability of double-star Roche model Astrophysics and Space Science. 134: 55-71 |
Kopal Z. (1986) An analysis of the light changes of eclipsing variables in the frequency-domain: Practical aspects Vistas in Astronomy. 29: 295-355 |
Kopal Z. (1983) Effects of Rotation on Internal Structure of the Stars Astrophysics and Space Science. 93: 149-175 |
Kopal Z, Zafiropoulos F. (1983) Distribution of brightness over apparent discs of distorted stars Astrophysics and Space Science. 91: 299-317 |
Jabbar SR, Kopal Z. (1983) The geometrical elements of 10 totally-eclipsing systems of the type of W Ursae Maioris Astrophysics and Space Science. 92: 99-104 |
Kopal Z, Song G. (1983) Vibrational stability of the components of close binary systems Astrophysics and Space Science. 92: 3-30 |