Barbara M. Terhal

Physics Delft University of Technology, Delft, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands 
"Barbara Maria Terhal" OR "Barbara M Terhal"
B.M. Terhal at the Album Academicum of the University of Amsterdam

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Bernard Nienhuis grad student 1999 Amsterdam
 (Assistent supervisor)
Paul Michael Béla Vitányi grad student 1999 Amsterdam (MathTree)
 (Quantum algorithms and quantum entanglement)
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Roy A, Terhal BM, Hassler F. (2017) Quantum Phase Transitions of the Majorana Toric Code in the Presence of Finite Cooper-Pair Tunneling. Physical Review Letters. 119: 180508
Campbell ET, Terhal BM, Vuillot C. (2017) Roads towards fault-tolerant universal quantum computation. Nature. 549: 172-179
Gosset D, Terhal BM, Vershynina A. (2015) Universal adiabatic quantum computation via the space-time circuit-to-Hamiltonian construction. Physical Review Letters. 114: 140501
Suchara M, Bravyi S, Terhal B. (2011) Constructions and noise threshold of topological subsystem codes Journal of Physics a: Mathematical and Theoretical. 44
Bravyi S, Poulin D, Terhal B. (2010) Tradeoffs for reliable quantum information storage in 2D systems. Physical Review Letters. 104: 050503
Bravyi S, Terhal B. (2009) Complexity of Stoquastic Frustration-Free Hamiltonians Siam Journal On Computing. 39: 1462-1485
Bravyi S, Terhal B. (2009) A no-go theorem for a two-dimensional self-correcting quantum memory based on stabilizer codes New Journal of Physics. 11: 43029
Terhal B. (2008) Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction; Quantum Information: An Overview Physics Today. 61: 54-55
DiVincenzo DP, Horodecki M, Leung DW, et al. (2004) Locking classical correlations in quantum States. Physical Review Letters. 92: 067902
Terhal BM, Doherty AC, Schwab D. (2003) Symmetric extensions of quantum States and local hidden variable theories. Physical Review Letters. 90: 157903
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