Aleksandra Petkovic
Affiliations: | Physics, ENS | LPTENS |
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Petković A, Ristivojevic Z. (2023) Dissipative Dynamics of a Heavy Impurity in a Bose Gas in the Strong Coupling Regime. Physical Review Letters. 131: 186001 |
Reichert B, Astrakharchik GE, Petković A, et al. (2019) Exact Results for the Boundary Energy of One-Dimensional Bosons. Physical Review Letters. 123: 250602 |
Petković A, Ristivojevic Z. (2018) Spectrum of Elementary Excitations in Galilean-Invariant Integrable Models. Physical Review Letters. 120: 165302 |
Reichert B, Petković A, Ristivojevic Z. (2017) Quasiparticle decay in a one-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixture Physical Review B. 95 |
Petković A, Ristivojevic Z. (2016) Dynamics of a Mobile Impurity in a One-Dimensional Bose Liquid. Physical Review Letters. 117: 105301 |
Petković A, Vinokur VM. (2013) Fluctuation-induced noise in out-of-equilibrium disordered superconducting films Annals of Physics. 339: 412-429 |
Ristivojevic Z, Petković A, Le Doussal P, et al. (2012) Phase transition of interacting disordered bosons in one dimension. Physical Review Letters. 109: 026402 |
Le Doussal P, Petković A, Wiese KJ. (2012) Distribution of velocities and acceleration for a particle in Brownian correlated disorder: inertial case. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 85: 061116 |
Ristivojevic Z, Petković A, Giamarchi T. (2012) Exact asymptotic behavior of correlation functions for disordered spin-1/2 XXZ chains Nuclear Physics B. 864: 317-327 |
Nattermann T, Petković A, Ristivojevic Z, et al. (2007) Absence of the Mott glass phase in 1D disordered fermionic systems. Physical Review Letters. 99: 186402 |