Yusaku Hontani

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Zürich, ZH, Switzerland 
"Yusaku Hontani"
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John T. M. Kennis grad student 2014-2018 VU Amsterdam
Sebastian Jessberger post-doc ETH Zürich (Neurotree)
Chris Xu post-doc 2018-2020 Cornell
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van Stokkum IHM, Hontani Y, Vierock J, et al. (2023) Reaction Dynamics in the Chrimson Channelrhodopsin: Observation of Product-State Evolution and Slow Diffusive Protein Motions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 1485-1493
Hontani Y, Mehlhorn J, Domratcheva T, et al. (2023) Spectroscopic and Computational Observation of Glutamine Tautomerization in the Blue Light Sensing Using Flavin Domain Photoreaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 145: 1040-1052
Silapetere A, Hwang S, Hontani Y, et al. (2022) Author Correction: QuasAr Odyssey: the origin of fluorescence and its voltage sensitivity in microbial rhodopsins. Nature Communications. 13: 6282
Silapetere A, Hwang S, Hontani Y, et al. (2022) QuasAr Odyssey: the origin of fluorescence and its voltage sensitivity in microbial rhodopsins. Nature Communications. 13: 5501
Hontani Y, Akbari N, Kolkman KE, et al. (2022) Deep-tissue Three-photon Fluorescence Microscopy in Intact Mouse and Zebrafish Brain. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove
Choe K, Hontani Y, Wang T, et al. (2022) Intravital three-photon microscopy allows visualization over the entire depth of mouse lymph nodes. Nature Immunology. 23: 330-340
Hontani Y, Baloban M, Escobar FV, et al. (2021) Real-time observation of tetrapyrrole binding to an engineered bacterial phytochrome. Communications Chemistry. 4: 3
Hontani Y, Baloban M, Escobar FV, et al. (2021) Real-time observation of tetrapyrrole binding to an engineered bacterial phytochrome. Communications Chemistry. 4
Hontani Y, Xia F, Xu C. (2021) Multicolor three-photon fluorescence imaging with single-wavelength excitation deep in mouse brain. Science Advances. 7
Artés Vivancos JM, van Stokkum IHM, Saccon F, et al. (2020) Unraveling the excited-state dynamics and light-harvesting functions of xanthophylls in the Light-Harvesting Complex II using femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society
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