Debra L Burris

1992-1998 Physics and Astronomy University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
 2005- Physics and Astronomy University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR, United States 
"Debra Burris"
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Burris DL, Pilachowski CA, Armandroff TE, et al. (2000) Neutron-capture elements in the early galaxy: Insights from a large sample of metal-poor giants Astrophysical Journal. 544: 302-319
Stars MP, Sneden C, Cowan JJ, et al. (1998) Hubble space telescope observations of neutron-capture elements in very Astrophysical Journal. 496: 235-245
Cowan JJ, McWilliam A, Sneden C, et al. (1997) The thorium chronometer in CS 22892-052: Estimates of the age of the galaxy Astrophysical Journal. 480: 246-254
Cowan JJ, Sneden C, Truran JW, et al. (1997) R- and S-process signatures in metal-poor halo stars Nuclear Physics A. 621: 41C-44C
Cowan, JJ, Sneden, et al. (1996) First Detection of Platinum, Osmium, and Lead in a Metal-Poor Halo Star: HD 126238 The Astrophysical Journal. 460
Sneden C, Mcwilliam A, Preston GW, et al. (1996) The ultra-metal-poor, neutron-capture-rich giant star CS 22892-052 Astrophysical Journal. 467: 819-840
Cowan JJ, Burris DL, Sneden C, et al. (1995) Evidence of heavy element nucleosynthesis early in the history of the galaxy: The ultra-metal-poor star CS 22892-052 Astrophysical Journal. 439: L51-L54
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