Giulio Racah
Affiliations: | Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel |
particle physics, quantum mechanicsGoogle:
"Giulio Racah"Mean distance: 10.6
Sign in to add mentorEnrico Fermi | grad student | Rome | |
Enrico Persico | grad student | 1930 | Università di Firenze |
Sign in to add traineeUgo Fano | research assistant | Università di Torino | |
Fritz Rohrlich | research assistant | 1943-1945 | Hebrew University |
Amos de-Shalit | grad student | Hebrew University | |
Abraham Many | grad student | Hebrew University | |
Israel Pelah | grad student | Hebrew University | |
Mordechay Schlesinger | grad student | Hebrew University | |
Igal Talmi | grad student | Hebrew University | |
Nissan Zeldes | grad student | Hebrew University |
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Bernhart A, Fano U, Racah G. (1960) Irreducible Tensorial Sets. American Mathematical Monthly. 67: 602 |
Fano U, Racah G, Dyson FJ. (1960) Irreducible Tensorial Sets Physics Today. 13: 38-38 |