Peter Coles
Affiliations: | 1988 | University of Sussex, Falmer, England, United Kingdom |
"Peter Coles"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorJohn Barrow | grad student | 1988 | University of Sussex | |
(Stochastic fluctuations in the early universe) |
Sign in to add traineeEvaggelos Kolokotronis | grad student | 1997 | Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London |
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Munshi D, Joudaki S, Smidt J, et al. (2013) Statistical properties of thermal sunyaev-zel'dovich maps Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 429: 1564-1584 |
Munshi D, van Waerbeke L, Smidt J, et al. (2012) From weak lensing to non-Gaussianity via Minkowski functionals Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 419: 536-555 |
Munshi D, Heavens A, Coles P. (2011) Higher-order convergence statistics for three-dimensional weak gravitational lensing Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 411: 2161-2185 |
Coles P. (2009) The Cosmic Microwave Background Classical and Quantum Gravity. 26: 169002 |
Coles P. (2008) The Oxford Companion to Cosmology Classical and Quantum Gravity. 25: 209001 |
Coles P. (2005) The state of the Universe. Nature. 433: 248-56 |
Munshi D, Coles P. (2002) Cosmic Statistics through Weak Lenses Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 329: 797-812 |
Munshi D, Coles P. (2000) Weak lensing from strong clustering Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 313: 148-152 |
Munshi D, Melott AL, Coles P. (2000) Generalized cumulant correlators and hierarchical clustering Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 311: 149-160 |
Coles P, Melott AL, Munshi D. (1999) Bias and hierarchical clustering Astrophysical Journal. 521 |