Doochul Kim, Phd

1970-1974 electronic engineering Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
 1974-1975 physics New York University 
 1975-1977 mathematics Melbourne University, Parkville, Victoria, Australia 
 1977-2010 physics and astronomy Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea 
 2010- computational science KIAS Seoul, Korea 
"Doochul Kim"
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Yun CK, Kahng B, Kim D. (2009) Slowdown in the annihilation of two species diffusion-limited reaction on fractal scale-free networks Lecture Notes of the Institute For Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 4: 787-791
Goh K, Oh E, Ghim C, et al. (2004) Classes of the shortest pathway structures in scale free networks Lecture Notes in Physics. 650: 105-125
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