Hang Li

Tsinghua University 
"Hang Li"
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Li H, He J, Wang X, et al. (2024) Synthesis of Size-Adjustable CsPbBr Perovskite Quantum Dots for Potential Photoelectric Catalysis Applications. Materials (Basel, Switzerland). 17
Zhou ZR, Li H, Long GL. (2023) Variational quantum algorithm for node embedding. Fundamental Research. 4: 845-850
Wei S, Li H, Long G. (2020) A Full Quantum Eigensolver for Quantum Chemistry Simulations. Research (Washington, D.C.). 2020: 1486935
Hou SY, Li H, Long GL. (2017) Experimental quantum Hamiltonian identification from measurement time traces. Science Bulletin. 62: 863-868
Li H, Gao X, Xin T, et al. (2017) Experimental study of Forrelation in nuclear spins. Science Bulletin. 62: 497-502
Lu D, Li H, Trottier DA, et al. (2015) Experimental estimation of average fidelity of a Clifford gate on a 7-qubit quantum processor. Physical Review Letters. 114: 140505
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