Charles Kilgo Bradsher

Chemistry Duke University, Durham, NC 
polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons
"Charles Kilgo Bradsher"

(1912 - 2000)

Mean distance: 7.48


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Louis Frederick Fieser grad student 1937 Harvard
 (I. Reactions and rearrangements in the diphenyl series. II. Reactions of some Beta-naphthoquinones.)
Reynold Clayton Fuson post-doc 1939 UIUC


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Frank A. Vingiello grad student 1947 Duke
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Bradsher CK. (2008) Quaternary Isoquinolinium Salts Cheminform. 12: 381-508
Edgar KJ, Bradsher CK. (1982) o-Benzoylbenzoic acid synthesis by condensation of (o-lithioaryl)oxazolines with acid chlorides. Preparation of a potential intermediate for anthracycline synthesis Journal of Organic Chemistry. 47: 1585-1587
Parham WE, Bradsher CK. (1982) Aromatic organolithium reagents bearing electrophilic groups. Preparation by halogen-lithium exchange Accounts of Chemical Research. 15: 300-305
Parham WE, Bradsher CK, Reames DC. (1981) Selective halogen-lithium exchange in some secondary and tertiary (bromophenyl)alkyl halides Journal of Organic Chemistry. 46: 4804-4806
Bradsher CK, Hunt DA. (1981) A novel synthesis of benzo[1,2:4,5]dicyclobutene via a dual Parham cyclialkylation Journal of Organic Chemistry. 46: 4608-4610
Bradsher CK, Edgar KJ. (1981) 1-Substituted benzocyclobutenes via Parham cyclialkylation Journal of Organic Chemistry. 46: 4600-4602
Parham WE, Bradsher CK, Edgar KJ. (1981) o-Benzoylbenzoic acids by the reaction of lithium 2-lithiobenzoates with acid chlorides. A contribution to the chemistry of alizarin and podophyllotoxin Journal of Organic Chemistry. 46: 1057-1061
Bradsher CK, Hunt DA. (1981) Schiff bases as external and internal electrophiles in reactions of functionalized organolithium reagents. A new route to isoindoline derivatives and 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolines Journal of Organic Chemistry. 46: 327-330
Reames DC, Hunt DA, Bradsher CK. (1980) A one-pot synthesis of dibenzosuberones via the Parham cycliacylation reaction Synthesis. 454-456
Chen TK, Bradsher CK. (1979) Stereoselectivity in the cycloaddition reactions of 2-ethoxy-3-methylisoquinolinium salts Journal of Organic Chemistry. 44: 4680-4683
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