Giuseppe Leo

Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, Paris, Île-de-France, France 
"Giuseppe Leo"
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Di Francescantonio A, Zilli A, Rocco D, et al. (2023) All-optical free-space routing of upconverted light by metasurfaces via nonlinear interferometry. Nature Nanotechnology
Vinel V, Li Z, Borne A, et al. (2021) Non-Hermitian bath model for arrays of coupled nanoresonators. Optics Express. 29: 34015-34023
Pogna EAA, Celebrano M, Mazzanti A, et al. (2021) Ultrafast, All Optically Reconfigurable, Nonlinear Nanoantenna. Acs Nano
Allain PE, Guha B, Baker C, et al. (2021) Electro-Optomechanical Modulation Instability in a Semiconductor Resonator. Physical Review Letters. 126: 243901
Celebrano M, Rocco D, Gandolfi M, et al. (2021) Optical tuning of dielectric nanoantennas for thermo-optically reconfigurable nonlinear metasurfaces. Optics Letters. 46: 2453-2456
Roland I, Borne A, Ravaro M, et al. (2020) Frequency doubling and parametric fluorescence in a four-port aluminum gallium arsenide photonic chip. Optics Letters. 45: 2878-2881
Roland I, Ravaro M, Suffit S, et al. (2020) Second-Harmonic Generation in Suspended AlGaAs Waveguides: A Comparative Study. Micromachines. 11
Allain PE, Schwab L, Mismer C, et al. (2020) Optomechanical resonating probe for very high frequency sensing of atomic forces. Nanoscale. 12: 2939-2945
Guha B, Allain PE, Lemaître A, et al. (2020) Force Sensing with an Optomechanical Self-Oscillator Physical Review Applied. 14
Guha B, Mariani S, Lemaître A, et al. (2019) High frequency optomechanical disk resonators in III-V ternary semiconductors: erratum. Optics Express. 27: 12182
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