Mark Hannam

UNC Chapel Hill, NC State 
"Mark Hannam"
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Aurrekoetxea JC, Hoy C, Hannam M. (2024) Revisiting the Cosmic String Origin of GW190521. Physical Review Letters. 132: 181401
Hannam M, Hoy C, Thompson JE, et al. (2022) General-relativistic precession in a black-hole binary. Nature
London L, Khan S, Fauchon-Jones E, et al. (2018) First Higher-Multipole Model of Gravitational Waves from Spinning and Coalescing Black-Hole Binaries. Physical Review Letters. 120: 161102
Astone P, Weinstein A, Agathos M, et al. (2015) Gravitational waves: search results, data analysis and parameter estimation: Amaldi 10 Parallel session C2. General Relativity and Gravitation. 47: 11
Hannam M, Schmidt P, Bohé A, et al. (2014) Simple model of complete precessing black-hole-binary gravitational waveforms. Physical Review Letters. 113: 151101
Kamaretsos I, Hannam M, Sathyaprakash BS. (2012) Is black-hole ringdown a memory of its progenitor? Physical Review Letters. 109: 141102
Hannam M, Husa S, Pollney D, et al. (2007) Geometry and regularity of moving punctures. Physical Review Letters. 99: 241102
González JA, Hannam M, Sperhake U, et al. (2007) Supermassive recoil velocities for binary black-hole mergers with antialigned spins. Physical Review Letters. 98: 231101
González JA, Sperhake U, Brügmann B, et al. (2007) Maximum kick from nonspinning black-hole binary inspiral. Physical Review Letters. 98: 091101
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