Romain Mari
Affiliations: | CNRS, Paris, Île-de-France, France |
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Jocteur T, Figueiredo S, Martens K, et al. (2024) Yielding Is an Absorbing Phase Transition with Vanishing Critical Fluctuations. Physical Review Letters. 132: 268203 |
Mari R, Bertin E, Nardini C. (2022) Absorbing phase transitions in systems with mediated interactions. Physical Review. E. 105: L032602 |
Cuny N, Mari R, Bertin E. (2021) Microscopic Theory for the Rheology of Jammed Soft Suspensions. Physical Review Letters. 127: 218003 |
Baule A, Mari R, Bo L, et al. (2013) Mean-field theory of random close packings of axisymmetric particles. Nature Communications. 4: 2194 |
Mari R, Kurchan J. (2011) Dynamical transition of glasses: from exact to approximate. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 135: 124504 |
Mari R, Krzakala F, Kurchan J. (2009) Jamming versus glass transitions. Physical Review Letters. 103: 025701 |